Archive for the ‘cover’ Category

Christmas will be magic again

Friday, December 20th, 2013

a1993080798_2For the first time -for no particular reason- Pondertone decided to record a happy song for Christmas.

Patrick Tersteeg – vocals, bass, programming
Michel Fenderwoods – guitars
Roel Jorna – backing vocals, solo guitar, tambourines, mix etc.
introducing Mien Tersteeg on toy piano.
Artwork by Patrick & Mien Tersteeg

The original version was recorded by the band International Language in 1996.
Written by Steve Gregory & Michel Fenderwoods

The Little Folk’s Coloring Book

Thursday, May 5th, 2011

a0500684729_2Over a period of ten years Pondertone recorded a lot of cover versions of songs by artists we admired. From Herman van Veen to Radiohead we demolished, recomposed, reworked and rearranged songs we love. For the first time all tracks have been compiled on The Little Folk’s Coloring Book. Enjoy…